Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back from Florida

Will post more pictures as I get them.

Here is us outside the entrance with the monorail above us.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tablescape Thursday - Twilight/New Moon

In honor of New Moon opening this week, I decided to create my own Twilight tablescape.  I've invited Edward, Bella, Jacob and Renesmee for dinner.

I tried to represent each book cover.  The apple from Twilight, the flower from New Moon, The ribbon from Eclipse and the chess pieces from Breaking Dawn. 

The apples and votive holders I got from walmart and dollar store for $1 a piece. The "runner" is actually individual pieces of felt which were 25 cents a piece.  The flower I fished out of a clearance bin at my favorite Old Time Pottery store. I used a scrapbooking marker to color in the red design on it. I didn't have a white and red chess set handy so I had to settle for printing them out and hanging them from the light.









Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tablescape Thurday ~ Thanksgiving

This is my very first attempt at a tablescape. As you can tell I need to practice taking the pictures as well.  If you like this kind of thing, follow the button link to "Between Naps on the Porch", and amazing site with so many great links to blogs of amazing crafty people.

So this is the first year I'm actually dressing our table for Thanksgiving. We are usually at my DH's families house for dinner so this year I did purchase a few things that I will be using for many years to come.








Heh.. my kid The Empress


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First Post

Those of you that know me know that I maintain another blog where I post pictures of myself and my husband and dear daughter.  If you haven't noticed by now, my other blog is very bland, you never see any photos of holidays, birthdays or any other events that some of my family would find offensive.  I realize that although we all do different things to make peace with our families. I believe sometimes we can go too far. Hiding who we really are, even though we have nothing to be ashamed of.  So on my site I will post the things I care about and just random things that matter to me. I'll post pictures of my home that I decorate for the holidays.  My attempts to be crafty, although I fully admit to just being a crafty person wanna be.  I'll post pictures of my darling daughter during all the major holidays and  my attempt to provide a normal existence for my family. Providing my daughter with a lifetime of traditions and memories.